While many seniors have been diagnosed with Dementia and are being treated properly, many are not diagnosed with it or treated for it. Effective dementia care in can play a key role in the treatment of dementia in Toronto, especially certain forms of dementia. There are many seniors in Toronto who have some form of dementia and it often impacts them is ways that do not allow them to live safely nor independently.
Dementia Care in Toronto can be provided in a variety of ways by our company based on an individual and detailed assessment of each seniors needs. As Dementia can have various causes, it is not unlikely a family may quickly learn that it can be controlled by certain factors at home including most notably effective dementia care in the form of home care support. Many believe that the most common form of it is Alzheimer’s, but in fact the most common form is “Mixed Dementia”, that is a combination of Alzheimer’s and Cerebral Vascular Disease.
Mixed Dementia is often caused by reduced blood flow to the brain caused by a stroke. Often times these strokes are undetectable Sometimes these strokes are not even noticeable. If preventative efforts are not made, over time, they can become stronger and more frequent. These strokes, possibly in combination with other risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart rhythm abnormalities, sleep apnea, poor diet and lack of exercise can lead to serious problems both physically and cognitively (dementia).
Effective home care service can help control the following factors that can contribute to dementia:
- Diet
- Medication management for high blood pressure
- Medication management for diabetes
- Medication management for dementia
- Medication management for high cholesterol
- Exercise
- Mental stimulation
- Improved sleep
- Managing at home emergencies
Proper home health care under the guidance of a well developed Home Care Plan can have significant benefits for dementia patients. TSC, as normal practice, can perform an assessment which can include medical information enabling us to gain sufficient insight into the issues of dementia. With this information we can design an effective senior home care support plan to help improve the senior’s health.
If you require more information about dementia care in Toronto please contact us.