How does Live in Care work?
These days many seniors need 24 hour home care in Toronto each and every day in order to live safe and comfortable. Often times, the most affordable and effective form of home care support is Live In Care. Now you may ask yourself, what is it? Different people can have different definitions of this caregiver so it is important to clarify. These caregivers is defined to be a home care support condition where the care giver actually stays with the client for one or more than 24 hours per week.
The live in caregivers stays, sleeps and eats at the client habitation for one or more consecutive 24 hour of period. During this care period, they do not go home rather they stay with their client for all the time.
When you and your family are evaluating additional support for your senior, live in caregivers are one option along with the other options of care during the day or overnight care. There is a Home Care Assessment that can be performed by a healthcare or home care services company which will make a determination of which types of care might be required, that can give your family much needed direction in your decision to start this care.
The first thing you must determine is if live in care is required and if it can work well for your senior.
Consider some factors that can impact the need for and the likely success of 24 hour live in home care in Toronto for your senior.
First, are the senior’s physical or cognitive challenges significant enough that it is not safe for them to be left alone and they must have 24 hour live in care? That is, you have no choice but to have constant around the clock care. In this case there must be a way to find it to work in some form or another.
Second, does the senior sleep well enough at night that they do not require so much care that the caregiver cannot obtain enough sleep. If the caregiver cannot obtain enough sleep then they will either not remain on the job or they will eventually get burned out and the quality of care will rapidly decline. In this case if the senior is quite sleep disrupted and does need constant attention than 24 hour care can be provided but in the form of two 12 hour shifts not in the form of live in care. Shifts will be more expensive than live in care but is an excellent solution too.
Third, is the senior’s condition such that significant medical care is required? In this case, is home the best place for which this care to be provided? This determination can be made as part of an effective Home Care Assessment.
Fourth, is the senior open to having a person live with them? Some seniors are not and even though live in care is required this issue will have to be managed effectively. This usually can be overcome in this care situations once the senior understands that it is necessary.
Fifthly, are there adequate facilities at the client residence to support the live-in care giver? Live in caregivers basically requires room and board. So this means that in a live in care situation ideally a caregiver would require a bedroom, food and access to a bathroom.
Once all that has been resolved then the provision of live-in home can work and work well but it has to be done under the guidance of a documented Live In Care Plan. The person does require supervision. If you hire the person privately then you must do the supervision. If you hire a healthcare company to provide the caregiver then you and they can jointly supervise the caregiver.
If you would like more information about Live In Home Care in Toronto just contact us and we would be glad to answer your questions.